Monthly Archives: December 2015

Gilbert Burger in Itaewon – Burgers, Shakes and Chili Cheese Goodness

It’s been awhile my friends. Between changing diapers, getting vomit projected onto my face and various other bodily functions that have directly (or indirectly) kept me locked in my apartment in a hermit-like state, I have finally broken free of the shackles for one night in Itaewon. So I decided to check out one of […]

Tayo Kid Cafe – For the Younger Crowd

Hi There! Mrs. DvsLP here! Now that we have two kids, it means that we’re basically covering man-on-man defense. On weekends, I take Logan (our VERY willful, curious and energetic toddler) to local spots where he can run around and explore until he gets too tired, melts down, and we go home to take a […]